Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Entering into Second Phase

Ya friends now i am leaving my first phase (quite long one) and now entering into second most important phase of life my professional world, my career, into corporate world. So India is famous for their Software engineers but let me tell you thats what they(First world) really dont consider about us(Third world), they are seeking for the cheap labour, but this presumption is now changing. More and more new companies are emerging within this country. Now outside world is recognizing us for their creativity, unique approach. Orkut is one of the best example that we can give to the western world. ahhhhh what crap.... i am leaving this boring part. Lets go to some interesting one.

My first day of corporate world:

I was really excited when i was heading towards the company office along with my seniors and they were saying you are going to face a full day of boring presentations and lots of formalities. It was 21st July 2008. i reached there and there i got to know that all freshers are requested to gather at Congregation hall. There we got a list which contained schedule of the next presentations that we are going to face. First one was General Introduction about AMDOCS. Then from security director then some HR manager and at last we were given some forms and we filled those forms and i got free from all formalities at 7 o clock then i took company bus and as i reached to my apartment i rested for arnd half an hour. Tough day but was feeling energetic.

My first day at Pune:

As i landed here first i found only my flight's passengers were there and some air force fighter jet was there and airport was not so crowded and there in big letters "Pune mein AAPLE SWAGAT AAHE" (to some extent correct marathi i am trying to give some hand over it that i'll tell you later) was written. In flight i can see the lush green fields and farms of the pune surroundings. Pune is not exactly crowded in terms of buildings and all. Then my friend Ashish came over there picked me up from the airport, we met after so long time it was really nostalgic moment all my three years with him(party, study etc) came before my eyes and we went directly to our flat. During that half an hour glimpse i found Pune is quite and not so much traffic here but it was morning time 10 o clock and it was saturday also. So we were going through Army area and it was as usual clean, green, big fields, i saw Race course also, trees were dense and some of them were looking very old. Roads are not straight here, as ashish was also saying traffic signals and roads are not in properly manner. We could see hilly region from which Pune is surrounded. Weather was clear at that day it was not rainy as i was told earlier, but it was windy and sooner i find it is what pune always WINDY.

At last we reached to our flat and then from the flat's window i can see the hills, army area, church, a big play field and a nice stud farm, where horse riding was going on. As i saw horses i got excited and asked from my senior can we go there but he didnt know much about that, from that day i am dreaming riding on those horses. That stud farm must be having at least twenty to thirty horses. Flat was nice and clean but this was not the image i've been thinking because it doesnt match with the image of my room partners talli(Priyank Rawat) and bhendi(Ashish), but now they have changed so much now no leg pulling. So they have become more mature, more focussed, more aaaannn dunno...

So friends i'll come with my next experience again soon... till then Enjoy your life.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Power means HORSE

Hi Friends...so long time no see...Hahaha.....So whats going on in everyone's life as so many readers i've got. Jokes Apart.
So friend this new post that i've been waiting for long time to post but from some obvious reason ""being Lazy"" i coudnt get time to write, but finally wait is over. So as you all dont know that i'm doing horse riding from 10th june and as my riding getting better and better so i decided that now this is the time that i should write something about HORSE RIDING and about HORSES. This will be all what i've learnt so far from riding.
So first day my trainer told me about some basic rules, regulations and some terminologies such as
1. Never go back side of the Horse otherwise everybody knows what they(Horse) can do with their legs
2. Then he told me about basic terminology what Horse tack is? It is all the gear that comes with owning a horse. The saddle, bit, saddle pads, lead ropes, halters, whips, steps, horse boots, and most other horse things they all are called tack.
3. How to mount and dismount from the Horse but before that you should pat on the Horses' neck and on his head.
4. After that he told me how to hold the lead ropes, halters and how to put your toes into steps and how to put your all weight on the toes.
5. Then he told me about three basic run of the Horses that how they walk and how they run.
again terminologies interesting
a. normal one is like you are not jumping with the walk and run of the horse and not maintaining rhythm with horse walk(believe me it hurts you, first week of my riding was fantastic, somebody should've asked How is your THIGHS it was like gimme some Rest).
b. after catching rhythm with the horse walk then comes TROT when you are perfectly jumping with the walk of the horse.
c. third one is CANTER that is slow gallop or you can say slow running of the horse and it differs from the trot only in one manner and that is speed of jumping(so far you've become perfect in controlling the horse also), and in long run, in plain fields this CANTER becomes GALLOP(fast running of the Horse as all of you have watched in the Movies so far.)
6. Then after dismounting from the horse you should give SHABASHI or a warm pat on the horse neck and if you can arrange some sweet like GUDD or anything else it'll be better for making a good interaction between you and the horse.
7. How to put rope or rass into your hands and distance between palms should be around 5 to 7 inches and most important thing your hands shouldn't move with your jumping, otherwise controlling of horse becomes difficult.

After these rules and conditions i started my riding and first day was normal as i walked with horse, patted him, mounted and dismounted from the horse, and after sometime i did horse riding actually it was walking.
Somehow two days passed and after three four days i could manage myself with the jumping and rythm of the horse, then from next day they gave me special breed of horse it was TW breed specially for the military purpose. As my trainer was from the 61st battalion so many time he used to tell about his experience with the horses, horse riding and all, that conversation made my horse riding interesting. So the TW breed, horses from this breed are specailly trained into military and believe me that horse was really good in everything controlling, riding, walk, trot and moreover you've to be extra cautious while riding that horse.
So after two and half weeks around i did my first CANTER and it was really special ride, i could feel the thrill of horse riding and i was wondering how would it feel when i'll do Gallop, from that day i started giving more efforts to learn horse riding.
So far i've not done GALLOPING but i am looking for that opportunity in future. Hope for best.
So friends from this last sentence " I love Horse riding" i sign off.
Happy reading.
See ya all very soon.

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